Gregorian Chant: An Introduction (Online)

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A free online introduction to Gregorian Chant led by Archdiocese of Southwark Director of Music, Jonathan Schranz. During the evening we will be exploring the history of this beautiful music, learning to read and sing from its notation, understanding its liturgical function and how to take the music into your parish or school. This session is designed for those with little experience of singing Gregorian Chant (plainsong) but some musical or singing experience. Singers, directors, teachers and clergy are all most welcome, as well as anyone with a passing interest in the repertoire. To register for a free ticket, please see the link below. 


Start Date: 25-Jun-2024
Start Time: 20:00
Finish Time: 21:00
Event Director: Jonathan Schranz
Format: Online
Location: National
Venue: Online
Entry Fee: Free
Contact Name: Jonathan Schranz
Contact Email:
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