Page 3 - Volunteering with the RSCM
P. 3

What is the RSCM doing and why?
“We are working to transform and re-imagine the experience of Volunteering with the RSCM. I am leading all our staff team in this project, but it is not the whim of a new Director – work on this started many months ago from before my appointment; and it follows a period of extensive consultation”
Hugh Morris, RSCM Director.
The plan is to re-focus volunteering back to being the enjoyable experience everyone would like it to be, away from burdensome administration; paperwork will be handled by a paid, part-time Volunteer Team Leader.
It means that we can be sure that we are working with complete compliance, safety and consistency across all areas of our work.
The wish is to make sure that regular events are planned with reasonable travelling distance for those we might encourage to attend. We will still rely on our local volunteers to help manage and deliver them, but better reflect their own time availability and talents.
New Local Regional Structure
(Volunteer Team Leader)
Regional Panel Members
(Event Planners) Approx. 10 people
Wider Volunteer Pool
With allocated tasks (Musical, Teaching, Publicity, etc.)
      Voluntary 3

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