Search Results for singersvoice-for-life-training-scheme/

Voice for Life and Singing Awards

The Voice for Life® training scheme provides a framework for choral singers to develop their vocal skills, their musical understanding and their knowledge of repertoire. It comes with a range…

Voice for Life® Digital

Voice for Life® Digital is a brand-new, enhanced version of the RSCM’s vocal training scheme for choristers and singers of all ages. Once set up, the system allows your choir…

Tutor Network

The RSCM Tutor Network – The RSCM wants to build a network of skilled tutors who share our vision to develop the skills of today’s church musicians. As part of our…

RSCM Church Music Skills

RSCM Church Music Skills is a distance-learning programme designed to help practising church musicians to develop the skills and understanding that they need for their role, and to equip those…

RSCM Voices South

RSCM Voices South (VS) is an adult training choir, which sings approximately five services per year in cathedrals and major churches across the South of England.

Our Mission

Our Mission – Trustees’ Annual Report – Strategic Plan

Residentiary Choir

The Residentiary Choir is a training choir for 40 auditioned adults, which comes together for a week each summer to sing services in a cathedral or other similar venue.

Honorary Awards

The RSCM has the power to confer diplomas and awards. Some are honorary; others are awarded as a result of academic study or other training. Details of criteria, nominations and…

RSCM Voices West

RSCM Voices West (VW) is an adult training choir, which sings approximately five services per year in cathedrals and major churches across the West of England and South Wales.

Become a Member

Membership of the RSCM is an investment in the future of church music. The support of our members enables us to offer education and training courses, published resources, and activities for all those…