World of the Royal School of Church Music

History of the RSCM
Our Mission
Our Team
Honorary Awards
Sarum College

What is the RSCM?

The Royal School of Church Music is the heart and home of church music.

We are an educational charity committed to promoting the study, practice and improvement of music in Christian worship.

The RSCM supports thousands of Affiliated churches across the UK and worldwide through our international partners. In addition, we also support many schools and Individual members. Our work is sustained by thousands of Friends, Regular Givers and other donors.

We are an open, life-long learning organisation, offering face-to-face and distance education and training through our programmes, published resources, courses and activities.

Founded by Sir Sydney Nicholson in 1927, the RSCM’s original emphases were English and choral. Now, in a diverse international context, the RSCM’s work is far broader and more diverse, and we aim to make all our work ecumenical in purpose, nature and content.

What does the RSCM do?

We celebrate church music and help to shape its future through:

  • – practical and applied programmes of education and training
  • – music-making at festivals and courses
  • – music and training resources
  • – information, advice and guidance

We serve the wider church by:

  • – encouraging music-making in general, and singing in particular
  • – providing training in essential skills for church music
  • – developing understanding of music in the church’s ministry and worship
  • – encouraging good music everywhere through fostering outreach from the churches into the community
  • – engaging with young people in singing