The Royal School of Church Music (RSCM), holds to the core Christian belief that each person has value and dignity which comes directly from God’s creation of humanity in His own likeness. Among other things, this implies a duty to value each person as someone who bears the image of God and is loved equally by God, and therefore should be protected from harm.
The RSCM is committed to safeguarding as an integral part of our life and ministry. Safeguarding is about the action we take to promote a safer culture. This means we will:
- Work to prevent abuse from occurring
- Seek to protect, respond well and care pastorally for those that have been abused
- Identify where a person may pose a risk to others and assess what level of involvement is possible whilst taking steps to mitigate such risk
- Promote a safer environment and culture
- Safely recruit and support all those with any role or responsibility related to children and adults at risk of harm within the life of the RSCM
- Respond promptly to every safeguarding concern or allegation
We have safeguarding policies and procedures which assist us in protecting and safeguarding all who participate in any RSCM activity.
If you have information about a safeguarding situation where a child or adult is in immediate danger, or requires immediate medical attention, call emergency services on 999. You can also contact your Local Authority Designated Officer with urgent safeguarding concerns.
For non-urgent queries or concerns during office hours (usually 8.30-4.45 Monday to Thursday) contact Emma Huxley, RSCM Safeguarding Officer via email or call 07908 469 587.
For urgent safeguarding enquiries outside of RSCM safeguarding office hours or when the Safeguarding Officer is unavailable, please call Thirtyone:eight on 0303 003 1111 for confidential advice, guidance and support. Please email or leave a message for the RSCM Safeguarding Officer if you do this.
The RSCM Safeguarding Policy and Procedures are in alignment with the Church of England House of Bishops Policy ‘Promoting a Safer Church.’ If you want to know more about Safeguarding in the Church of England this is available at: We are grateful to their National Safeguarding Team for allowing us access to and use of their training and documentation.
All churches are reminded they must follow their denominations safeguarding policy and procedures.