RSCM Around The World
The RSCM is proud to be an international organisation, supporting the best in church music and the church’s ministry right across the globe.
We have five International Partners, who are constitutionally separate from UK, and therefore have separate membership arrangements – please see the links below for more details. We do, however, work in close co-operation, and all the Partners share in the same missional goals as RSCM UK. We also have a European presence, administered from our UK offices in Salisbury. The RSCM has recently concluded agreements with each of the five key RSCM partner organisations around the world. Details of the successful negotiations can be found here.
To find out how joining the RSCM can support you with practical advice, resources and tips on how to choose music and materials for worship click here.
Membership for the island of Ireland is administered centrally in the UK.
Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa and the USA
If you live in any of the above countries, you can join the RSCM through your national office. The below links will take you directly to the website of these branches where you will be able to apply for membership and view educational courses and events: