The Death of Queen Elizabeth II
‘The death of The Queen has left us all bereaved. Her long reign of 70 years has meant that, for most of us, there has been no period when we have not known her as our Queen. Her sense of duty and her commitment to the United Kingdom, and to her other Realms overseas, have been exemplary. Her Christian faith, in practice, and her personal devotion have inspired us and set us an example. The date of The Queen’s accession, 6th February 1952, has always meant for The Queen not only the moment of her own accession but also the date of the death of her beloved father George VI at the age of 56. This longest ever reign has drawn now to a close. We pray for Queen Elizabeth II and commend her to the care and keeping of almighty God. We pray also for our new King as he accedes to the throne.’
The Very Reverend Dr John Hall, Chair of the RSCM’s Council