Advertising in our Magazines

Classified advertising

Each issue of Church Music Quarterly includes classified adverts. These are also listed online.

Display advertising and inserts

Display advertising space is for sale in both CMQ and Sunday by Sunday, and inserts can be placed in the quarterly mailing package with the magazines. For display advertising and inserts, please contact the Advertising Manager:
Stephen Dutton, Church Times, 13-17 Long Lane, London EC1A 9PN
T: +44 (0)20 7776 1011/2; F: +44 (0)20 7776 1017; E:

The booking deadlines for display advertising are: 13 January (March issue), 13 April (June issue), 13 July (September issue), 13 October (December issue).


Q.  How much does it cost to advertise in CMQ?

A. We charge £1 per word (or abbreviated word), and an additional £15 for a premium position on the website and in the magazine. The minimum charge is £10. All prices exclude VAT.

Q.  I am an RSCM Member, do I get a discount?

A. Yes! Member churches and Individual Members receive a 50% discount when advertising in CMQ or on our website.

Q.  How long will my advert remain live?

A. The fees above cover one addition of CMQ. Classifieds will be listed on our website for three months from the time they are processed, regardless of which issue of the magazine they are published in. Advertisers may request a web listing without publication in CMQ but are still required to pay the full price.

Q.  What are the deadlines?

A. Adverts can be placed on our website at any time. If, however, you wish your advert to appear in CMQ we need to have received your copy by the following deadlines: 1 January (March issue), 1 April (June issue), 1 July (September issue), 1 October (December issue).

Q.  Does advertising in CMQ work?

A. We certainly think so! See, for example, a few of the testimonials we have received: ‘I am glad to say that we have been able to make an appointment after advertising through RSCM. In fact, it was the most productive advertisement that we have ever placed – thank you!’ (John Everest, Halesowen Parish Church); ‘Within two days of the advert appearing on your website we had a successful application and the position is now filled!’ (John Culver, St Uny Church, Lelant)

Q.  How do I get in touch?

A. Orders should be sent by email to A postal address should be included for billing purposes.