Church Music Quarterly

Church Music Quarterly is packed with advice, information, news and inspiration. Whether you are a musician, clergy member or someone who simply enjoys church music, you’ll learn from the experts and find out about the RSCM’s work and mission. Join 35,000 readers worldwide who love and care about music in worship.

CMQ is a benefit of RSCM Membership
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What readers say

‘Congratulations on the high quality and content of your publications’

An excellent, beautiful magazine’

A good read and motivator’

An excellent publication and a real credit to RSCM’

I read CMQ from cover to cover immediately it arrives’

We always enjoy and learn from this excellent publication’


Q.  How do I get in touch?

A. Please send reports, press releases, letters and classified advertisements for CMQ to:

Magazines Editor, RSCM, 19 The Close, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP1 2EB, UK
T: +44 (0)1722 424848

Q.  When are the copy deadlines for submissions?

A. The copy dates for each issue are as follows: 1 January (March issue); 1 April (June issue); 1 July (September issue); 1 October (December issue)

Q.  Can I advertise in your magazine?

A. Yes, we carry classified advertising in CMQ magazine, as well as display advertising in both CMQ and Sunday by Sunday. We also carry inserts with each quarterly magazine package. For more information, please see our advertising information page here.

Q.  Can I see some of your recent content online?

A. Members (once logged in) can read the magazines online here: RSCM Members Area