Sing in Solidarity with Ukraine – A Message from John Rutter
‘How can a composer respond to a global tragedy? By writing music is the most obvious thing. Like everybody, I’ve been shocked and dismayed by the events of recent days, and the first thing I wanted to do was write some music that would respond in my own way.’
A Ukrainian Prayer by John Rutter is available to download from the RSCM web-shop here.
You are welcome to duplicate for the sole use of your own choir. If you wish, you are free to make an audio or video recording of the piece without a special licence to do so. You may like to make a donation to a Ukrainian relief charity, perhaps equivalent to the approximate cost of the copies had you purchased them. You can donate to the Disasters Emergency Committee Ukraine Appeal here.
We also have some Ukrainian songs, FREE to download, that can be used in worship. Teach them to your congregation and choir, either in harmony or in unison. You might, for example, sing the Kyrie three times, allowing silence afterwards –or it could be used as a response to the intercessions. The solemn Alleluia, from the Orthodox liturgy, enables us to build a bridge to Christians in Ukraine, and in a small way enables us to enter into their pain and suffering.
To download click here.