Do You Enjoy Evensong? Fabulous Ways to Join With Us on RSCM Celebration Day – Saturday 8 October

There are several ways to join our RSCM Celebration Day Evensong which will be taking place at Winchester Cathedral at 5.30pm BST on Saturday 8 October.

If you enjoy singing Evensong, then add your voice to the celebration. Join local choirs and singers, under the direction of Winchester Cathedral’s Director of Music, Andrew Lumsden FRSCM, for an afternoon’s rehearsal followed by the service. For all details, including the music choices, and to book click here.

Whole choirs and part choirs can come as well as individual singers. The more the merrier!

Join us in the congregation for the 5.30pm service or for the live-stream of the service. As well as hearing the glorious music, you will also be able to see our annual Honorary Awards presented (see below).

RSCM Celebration Day is the occasion on which we present our Honorary Awards to the year’s worthy recipients. You can find a list of this year’s honorands here.