Hymnpact!® is Coming!
Not heard of Hymnpact!® yet? Allow us to enlighten you.
It’s our brand-new resource for helping bring music in schools and churches together. It’s part of an integrated plan to give teachers in primary schools the confidence and skills to encourage children to experience the joy of hymn singing, and critically to bridge the gap between the experience in school and in the church down the road. The materials are flexible so that a backing track in school can be seamlessly integrated with, or replaced by, organ or piano or instrumental group in church, and includes music for a choir or singing group to enhance it too.
Some of the material is brand new; and some is intentionally from the existing hymn canon so that it can be (re-)integrated into school collective worship. This will all be available via a webportal which is very nearly ready. In the meantime, we used one of the hymns in a pilot at a RSCM event in St George’s Hanover Square, London, with a small group of children from the local school. The good news is that it worked! We are grateful to all at St George’s School who made this possible.
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