RSCM Music Sunday – New Ways to Get Involved
We are excited to announce new ways to join in with RSCM Music Sunday this year.
Evensong for Music Sunday
We are delighted to be working again with the online Choir of the Earth (formerly the Self-Isolation Choir) to put together a special Music Sunday Service of Evensong that will include as its anthem In Our Service, the RSCM’s Platinum Project.
There will be three ways to engage with the Evensong:
1) As individuals you can join the Choir of the Earth’s short course ahead of the day. Having attended rehearsals individuals will submit their recordings which will then be put together to be broadcast on Sunday 12 June. You can then enjoy singing along at home again when the service is broadcast or engage with it again at your own church
2) You will be able to watch the broadcast from home on Sunday 1 June
3) As a church you might choose to either show and join in with the service or download the pack that will be available for you to hold your version of the Music Sunday Evensong. We are working hard to finalise the details and will be updating the website as soon as possible
Replacing our usual Music Sunday anthem, we bring to you We are the Light, a lyrical, new hymn that we encourage as many churches as possible to sing for Music Sunday this year. Hymnpact!® is a new initiative from the RSCM and its partner organisation Let’s Go Sing, and ahead of its official launch later this year, this single hymn is being made available for RSCM Music Sunday. Specifically designed with children in mind but suitable for adults too, we encourage churches and schools to join together in this hymn singing venture.
As always, we strongly encourage you to do whatever suits your circumstances for RSCM Music Sunday, be it one of the suggestions above, singing one of the previous Music Sunday anthems, holding a concert, or a cake sale or a fete!
The main thing is to do something to celebrate Music Sunday!